Tuesday 10 August 2021

COVID-19 Reliaf for women and girls in areas of need,Sexul workers,LGBTS And Drug usuers Kasese Uganda

As the country continues to deal with the ongoing COVID-19 health and economic crises, the complexity of experiences and attitudes among LGBTQ and other groups,Ugandans remains underexamined. How are LGBTQ and other sexual individuals handling the coronavirus pandemic? What barriers are these groups facing in accessing and receiving effective health care? More broadly speaking, are LGBTQ individuals facing ongoing discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity? And what effects might these experiences have upon their personal and financial well-being? To better understand these and other questions, the Center for Ugandan Progress, in conjunction with the independent and nonpartisan research group at the African ark college of management sciences, designed one of the most comprehensive surveys to date exploring the lives, attitudes, and experiences of LGBTQ and other sexual minorities remain under descrimations.

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